In Depth: Interactive Copyright Education for 3D Objects




The growth of makerspaces and 3D services in libraries means new opportunities to utilize library expertise, partnerships, and exemptions to inform patrons about copyright in creative environments. Wide access to 3D printing, trademarks, and patents are relevant topics, but this paper only focuses on copyright. Little to no literature has been produced about how to educate makers about copyright for 3D objects. This paper will present a framework to encourage creators of 3D objects to analyze and interpret copyright information for their own purposes. It also discusses the process of designing and embedding learning tools into the database for SHAPES, a project for inter-library loans of 3D renderings. NOTE: New information about the methods and progress of this project has been added since the Kraemer Copyright Conference.


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Author Biography

  • Camille Thomas, Texas Tech University
    Scholarly Communication Librarian, Assistant Libriarian rank


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How to Cite

Thomas, C. (2018). In Depth: Interactive Copyright Education for 3D Objects. Journal of Copyright in Education & Librarianship, 2(1).